
Each of the four units is headed by a research director, who must also serve as a general practitioner.

•      Research director Susanne Reventlow, Copenhagen

•      Research director Jens Søndergaard, Odense

•      Research director Per Kallestrup, Aarhus

•      Research director Janus Laust Thomsen, Aalborg 



The research units are located at the four Danish universities which offer education of medical doctors: Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg. The research units have a close collaboration with the sections for general medicine at these universities.

•      Research Unit for General Practice in Copenhagen

•      Research Unit for General Practice in Odense

•      Research Unit for General Practice in Aarhus (in Danish only)

•      Research Unit for General Practice in Aalborg (in Danish only)



Each unit has a small group of permanent scientific and administrative staff. In addition, a considerable number of fixed-term employees are affiliated for a limited period of time.These include senior researchers, PhD students, MSc students completing a research year, project leaders and administrators affiliated with specific research projects.

General medicine forms the basis of the research teams, but the interdisciplinary environment also embraces other health professionals, statisticians, anthropologists and psychologists.